Frankston Garden Club, TX


Frankston Garden Club is located in Frankston, Texas. We are a non-profit organization which was established in 1967. We are part of The Texas Garden Club, Inc., which started in 1928, and its Headquarters are located in Fort Worth, Texas. FGC is located in District III in the South-Central Region.
Our mission is to provide education, encourage interest in gardening, better horticulture practices, and conservation of our national resources. Our vision is a thriving community atmosphere while retaining our small town's unique personality as East Texas Rising Star. Our goal is to promote our community by supporting and partnering with local business and other entities to reach everyone who is interested in enriching and beautifying our community.
Whether you are new to gardening or have been digging in the dirt all your life, the Frankston Garden Club has something for you. We are a group of gardening enthusiasts with a passion for promoting the love of gardening. Not only do we provide valuable services to our local community, but we also have a really good time! We work constantly to improve our skills of gardening.
Many Frankston Garden Club members are club delegates serving on national, state, and district level boards. Some of our members are accredited judges, consultants, and master gardeners. Many of our members are also members in other garden clubs and societies, some holding life memberships.
We meet the second Wednesday of each month at various locations. Our meeting program consist of field trips to nurseries, public and private gardens and museums. We welcome everyone, whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner with a black thumb. Join us in our mission to make the world a greener and more beautiful place! For more information on becoming a member or attending a meeting, see the member/meeting information tab at the top of the page.
We are a non-profit organization, and through our fundraisers, we support local community projects related to gardening and environmental sustainability. Our members maintain a beautiful park garden designed for the community to enjoy, showcasing the beauty of nature.
Frankston Garden Club Affiliations
District III-Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
Tyler Area Council of Garden Clubs
Projects and Objectives 2023-2025
Continue planting and tending Park Garden located on the East side of the Frankston City Park Square.
Continue to care for plants and flowers in the planters located on North side of the Square.
Promote the Frankston Garden Club, also promote Community and Business within the Frankston area.
Provide a scholarship for a minimum of one Frankston High School Senior student.
Attend Central Zone meetings and workshops.
Promote community awareness of FGC projects that beautify our city.
Select a Beauty Spot monthly.
There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.
-Janet Kilburn Phillips