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Frankston Garden Club Officers


District lll Lifetime Membership

On March 14, 2024, Texas Garden Clubs, Inc - District 3, handed out Life Membership to  two of Frankston Garden Club Members, Sally Bradley and Joyce Price.  Congratulations to these two ladies who have given their time and dedication to Frankston Garden Club.  

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Sally Bradley

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Joyce Price

TGC  Member of the Year

Dist. lll

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Christine Fincher

District III – Christine Fincher

Christine joined garden club over 20 years ago. She belongs to three clubs and two councils, two of which she is President. Christine is currently the District Director of District III which she has served for 4 years. She has also been the chairman of two state conventions and two flower show symposiums. Christine is a Life Flower Show Judge.


With her club in Frankston, she has been involved with the youth, observing Arbor Day with 5th graders at Frankston Elementary School.


Christine is a Life Member of TGC and District III. She is a member of the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville for 38 years and is very active with them. Christine has been married for 57 years to Gene and has one daughter.

Monthly Meetings and Outings

Meeting Information: The Frankston Garden Club meets the Second Wednesday of each month September - May at 10:00 AM. Our annual membership fee is $20.00.  New members who join after Jan 1st pay a discounted amount of $10.00.

Our monthly meetings take us to different members’ homes as well as to field trips around the area.

Not only do we provide valuable services to our local community, but we also have a really good time! We meet the first Wednesday of each month at various locations. Our meeting program consists of field trips to nurseries, public and private gardens and museums.

Check the meeting information tab for more information about our meetings and how to join.

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Message from our President - Judy Scoggings

I am so excited, honored and humbled to be your new President for 2023-2024.  I want to thank our previous slate of officers for their service.  Welcome to our new officers, committee chair persons and our club members.  

The theme for this season is "ROOTED AND BLOOMING FOR THE FUTURE".  We are seeing changes with the growth of our roads and highways, as well as new businesses in our town.

Our new Vice President, Debbie Edmonson has been working to bring us many new, educational and fun meeting ideas.  Thank you, Debbie, for all the work you have put into the planning and implementing of our yearbook.  

I am looking forward to working with our 2023-2025 club members as we are rooted in our small town's unique position and personality as East Texas' Rising Star.  I hope that we are all looking to and savoring the growth and changes in beautiful Frankston.  


Judy Scoggins


Frankston Garden Club

Standing Committees

Ways and Means (Fundraising): Sheila Mays

Communications: Margaret Moorhead

Frankston Beauty Spot: Veronica Mathis

Scrapbook Awards: Colleen Glaspie

Nominating: Barb Kelley and Judy Scoggins

Scholarship: Colleen Glaspie and Judy Scoggins

Youth Contest: Sheila Mays

Sunshine Chairman: Sally Bradley

Park Garden: Veronica Mathis 

Park Planter Pots: Sue Mikesell

Facebook Admins: Sheila Mays and Veronica Mathis

Yearbook, Activities and Prizes: Debbie Edmonson

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